CBD can be used many different ways depending on the “medium”, but there are a few universal things to keep in-mind regarding usage;
- You cannot overdose on CBD – your body will simply discard what it does not need
- Dosing – It’s not standardized, everyone is different. Metabolism, body weight, age, severity of ailments etc. all play a role in how much CBD is needed for the desired effect. We recommend “playing” with dosing and documenting along the way so you can define your customized dose.
- Continued use – We recommend using CBD daily. Much like any vitamin or supplement, consistency is the best way to harness the power of CBD. It’s not a Band-Aid and most ailments didn’t happen overnight, so we need CBD consistently available to keep the body in balance.
- More is not more – Using more CBD than you actually need is not always helpful. Just as taking more vitamin C will not make you healthier, there is a point of absorption within the body where it will simply excrete out what it does not need. It’s all about a pure and potent form of CBD where less is needed for maximum efficacy.
The four tips above always apply to both internal and external CBD use.