Tackling inflammation from the outside-in and the inside-out with nutritional expert TORIE BORRELLI.
Torie is an integrative nutritionist, chef, and author of the NEWLY launched The Mexican Keto Cookbook. And when she's not whipping up a keto meal, Torie runs wellness retreats and a sustainable surf boutique in Baja.
Torie helps her clients with a vast spectrum of wellness questions, including pinpointing inflammation triggers and how to address them both through diet as well as lifestyle.
As a small business owner and author, Torie is no stranger to anxiety and inflammation and healthy recovery and daily maintenance is crucial in her everyday routine.
"Currently the RECOVER rollerball is my favorite product because it feels very soothing and cooling. When I'm inflamed or have lots of tension, it immediately gives me relief. I use it on my computer neck and always pack it in my travel bag!
I also take THRIVAL twice a day to help combat inflammation and anxiety that comes along with being a business owner and writing my first cookbook.
I can feel it when I'm not constantly using it. It's a supplement I recommend to all my clients everyday to address the root of their inflammation."